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Monday, June 20, 2011

Why Dave's a Douche

Recently I've made a total of six posts on two forums about Check-Raising Korea.  Three on Dave's ESL Cafe and three on  All six have been deleted or locked.

It seems free exchange of ideas is not a real option on these forums.  Any posts that may direct traffic to other forums (a TINY amount I promise) are viewed as a threat that must be eliminated.  Replies with words like "gambling," "illegal" and "homegame" must not endanger the motherforum.  Those advertising dollars can not be jeopardized.

Dave's sent me no messages, the posts just vanished down the memory hole.  Good riddance I guess.  Most comments were not positive, as can be expected on Dave's, where the grammar-police, arrogant K-vets, proud expats, and other miserable trolls spend hours a day commenting on posts they decry as lame and unworthy of their time.  Yet they post replies...

Waygook had the common courtesy to send a message to me saying, "When a topic becomes seriously derailed, we lock it."  I asked if users discussing playing poker in Korea was a serious derailment off the topic "Poker - Check-raising Korea."  The last post I made was a notice that the Seoul Poker Forum was up on my site.  I got two comments.  The first short reply saying "Keep it up."  The second saying "I like it."  In no time, this post was locked.

I've never had any problems before with Dave's and I'm new to Waygook.  They seem like decent forums where users can get good information quick.  Just full of assholes, with moderators who'd rather play the role of all-controlling overlord than allow free exchanges between users.


  1. I would like to update this post. I have now been BANNED from Dave's ESL Cafe forum.

  2. has now unlocked one of my poker threads.

  3. I tip of my hat to and I wag of my finger up the ass of Dave's.

  4. Those sites are definitely for douches... It's a shame. They have created a place that is popular and has potential, but they're scared to let people actually TALK. One of my friends legitimately wanted to find a sex shop and was banned from Dave. He made no jokes, nothing inappropriate... He just wanted a fucking sex shop for some personal shopping. Yeesh. Fuck those sites.

  5. Let me assure you that I have no problem with sex shops or the word fuck. But like you, I do have a problem with forums where advertising $$$ trumps free exchange of ideas.
    Dave's a closet fascist posing as a smiling beacon of light for travelers around the world. Well now you have a mustache Dave. Douche.
    Tell your friend he can use my forum if he still needs any help finding a quality sex shop.
